Tag Archives: sport-of-kings

Professor’s red hot tips for Flemington races on 20 January 2017

After taking a successful run at Gold Coast races last week (3 winners and a second from 5 selections), the Professor returns to Victoria today and sees Flemington as a likely source of winners.

Make sure you back them each way!


Race 3 Horse 1 – Civil Disobedience
Race 4 Horse 2 – Addison
Race 5 Horse 6 – Crusty
Race 7 Horse 4 – Nature Strip (for the ladies at the Tennis club)
Race 9 Horse 10 – Malaise (also for the ladies at the Tennis club)

Good luck and good punting

The Professor

Professor’s red hotties for Gold Coast races on 13 January 2018

The Professor has looked at today’s racing fields and believes the best value for punters is at the Gold Coast, especially with the running of the Magic Millions 2 year old Classic and several other feature races on the card.

Make sure you bet each way!

Gold Coast

Race 4 Horse 4 – Sedanzer
Race 5 Horse 1 – Global Glamour
Race 7 Horse 1 – Pierata (for the ladies at the Tennis club)
Race 8 Horse 11 – Sunlight (also for the ladies at the Tennis club)
Race 9 Horse 3 – Viddora

Good luck and good punting!

The Professor

Professor’s red hot tips for Caulfield races on 7 January 2018

After a reasonable start with a couple of winners last week, the Professor is looking to go one or two better today with these selections for Caulfield races.

Take them each way.


Race 1 Horse 5 – Addison
Race 4 Horse 2 – Eclair Calling
Race 5 Horse 7 – Invisible Girl
Race 6 Horse 2 – Widgee Turf (for the ladies at the Tennis club)
Race 7 Horse 11 – Prevailing Winds – (also for the ladies at the Tennis club)

Good luck and good punting!

The Professor

Professor’s tips for Sandown on 30 December 2017

The Professor has taken over the mantle of Sportzfan Radio’s racing tipster for the forseeable future. Whilst he has been schooled by the Gelding in how to pick favourites, he looks to put his own stamp on the tips and will search for at least one selection with a bit of value each week for punters.

Needless to say the Professor sees the tips as an each way chance but he doesn’t see the need for the ‘all up’ bet as well.


Race 1 Horse 1 – Fake
Race 2 Horse 4 – Domesticated (for the ladies at the Tennis club)
Race 3 Horse 6 – Life on the Wire
Race 4 Horse 4 – Mawzoona (also for the ladies at the Tennis club)
Race 6 Horse 7 – Ozi Choice

Good luck and good punting!

The Professor

Gelding’s red hot tips for Moonee Valley on 23 December 2017

The Gelding’s attention turns to Moonee Valley for the last metropolitan meeting before Christmas. The Gelding has put some extra work in on the tips this week in an endeavour to give punters a little extra Christmas cheer.

As always the bets are on an each way and all up basis.

Moonee Valley

Race 1 Horse 2 – Miles of Krishan
Race 2 Horse 10 – Pleasuring
Race 5 Horse 2 – Imperial Aviator (for the ladies at the Tennis club)
Race 7 Horse 2 – Muraahib (also for the ladies at the Tennis club)
Race 9 Horse 9 – Widgee Turf

Good luck, good punting and best wishes for Christmas!

The Gelding

Gelding’s red hotties for Caulfield races on 16 December 2017

The Gelding’s attention is back at his home track at Caulfield today and he is looking to provide some festive cheer for punters.

As always the bets are on an each way and all up basis.


Race 1 Horse 11 – Ennis Hill
Race 3 Horse 3 – Holy Freeze
Race 4 Horse 6 – Vinland (for the ladies at the Tennis club)
Race 5 Horse 1 – Mrs Gardenia
Race 8 Horse 1 – Crystal Dreamer (also for the ladies at the Tennis club)

Good luck and good punting!

The Gelding

Gelding’s red hot tips for Pakenham races on 9 December 2017

The Gelding’s attention turns to the provincial track at Pakenham today with the running of the Pakenham Cup. More rain during the week, makes for a tricky and difficult race meeting to pick winners. That being said, the Gelding thinks he has some tips that he hopes will give a return to punters today.

As always the bets are on an each way and all up basis.


Race 3 Horse 7 – Fontein Lad (for the ladies at the Tennis club)
Race 5 Horse 1 – Jungle Edge
Race 6 Horse 11 – Silvera
Race 7 Horse 2 – Grey Lion (also for the ladies at the Tennis club)
Race 8 Horse 1 – Burning Front

Good luck and good punting!

The Gelding

Gelding’s red hotties for Sandown races on 2 December 2017

After flirting with a provincial race meeting last weekend, the Gelding’s attention is firmly on metropolitan Melbourne today with racing at Sandown on the Hillside track. With all the rain around over the last twenty-four hours, the track will probably be heavy by the time racing commences.

As always the bets are on an each way and all up basis.


Race 2 Horse 5 – Holy Freeze
Race 3 Horse 1 – Mrs Gardenia
Race 6 Horse 8 – Sprightly Lass (for the ladies at the Tennis club)
Race 7 Horse 2 – Gun Case (also for the ladies at the Tennis club)
Race 8 Horse 9 – Night’s Watch

Good luck and good punting!

The Gelding

Gelding’s red hotties for Ballarat races on 25 November 2017

With memories of the Spring Carnival already fading and no metropolitan meeting today, the Gelding puts his provincial hat on with his attention at Ballarat in a day that he says ‘looks like a tough day on the punt!’.

As always the bets are on an each way and all up basis!


Race 1 Horse 4 – Royal Fashion
Race 3 Horse 6 – Lycurgus
Race 7 Horse 10 – New Universe
Race 8 Horse 7 – Mr Garcia (for the ladies at the Tennis club)
Race 10 Horse 3 – Suspense (also for the ladies at the Tennis club)

Good luck and good punting!

The Gelding

Gelding’s red hot tips for Sandown races on 18 November 2017

As the Spring Carnival draws to a close, the Gelding’s attention is at Sandown today for the running of the Zipping Classic. After a tough spring campaign, he is looking to finish off with a few winners.

As always the bets are on an each way and all up basis.


Race 5 Horse 2 – Hellova Street
Race 6 Horse 3 – Crystal Dreamer
Race 7 Horse 1 – Almandin (for the ladies at the Tennis club)
Race 8 Horse 2 – Beau Geste (also for the ladies at the Tennis club)
Race 10 Horse 8 – Petition

Good luck and good punting!

The Gelding